Harness All The Benefits Of First Aid
First Aid training does more than help save lives and can have huge benefits within the workplace including those in low risk environments.
On top of meeting your legal requirements in the workplace, first aid training can improve your overall safety culture providing confidence and reassurance throughout the team.
Encourages Staff to Work Safely
First aid training provides a greater awareness of risks along with the ability to react effectively and competently during an emergency situation. Further to this, it also helps reduce repeat accidents, with first aiders being equipped by our expert first aid team with the skills to identify and minimise risks. Having first aiders onboard and qualified to the standards of Qualsafe, will also help when utilising the first aid kit and ensuring it is used and maintained correctly. First aid doesn’t stop when your employees leave the office or site, first aid and CPR are skills for life supporting friends, family and others around you.
Supporting Your Employees Career Path
First aid training can boost your career opportunities with transferrable leadership skills. Roles within the following require first aid training and include, police officers, medical and dental professionals, flight attendants and cabin crew, lifeguards and school staff.
Provides Reassurance Within The Workplace
Having a dedicated first aider on site instills confidence within the workforce especially in higher risk environments. Learners on our first aid course will learn to deal with emergencies competently reducing chances of panic running throughout the business. The effectiveness of how an emergency is dealt with will stick with staff members and can have lasting effects.
Prevents Casualty Conditions From Deteriorating Further
A first responder can be the difference between life and death but it can also support minor casualty conditions from deteriorating further. From reducing the risk of infection to calling the ambulance, a first aider holds key responsibilities.
Accredited First Aid Training Solutions
We can help you in assessing what is deemed as “adequate and appropriate” as stated by the The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. We offer Qualsafe accredited First Aid training in Edwinstowe (Mansfield) and Brampton (Cumbria) including the following courses:
Qualsafe Emergency First Aid – 1 Day Course – Book Online
Qualsafe First Aid At Work – 3 Day Course – Book Online
If you are unsure which is suitable for you, feel free to get in touch via live chat, email or by contacting our friendly team.